
Welcome to the site, and thanks for adding all that info on Indian motorcycles. If you need any help just ask me.

No problem!Edit

I just transferred the info from my site. I'm specificially interested in the Newman Indian line, as I own a Indian 125 ME.


Hey just wanting to say thanks for your contributions, I left you a note about those manuals you uploaded at Talk:Newman Indian 125/5 Engine Assembly Manual. Just basically discussing pdf format and whether it's ok for me to mirror those manuals.--Budlight 10:28, 22 December 2006 (EST)

Off Site backupsEdit

Hey, well i do use the cpanel backup feature to backup to my old shared hosting account at dreamhost (it backs up once a month, once a week and daily). I also have an rsync script to sync a local copy of the site to my personal development box. The problem with backing it up is that it's about 1.5gb worth of files (mostly images). I would have no problem possibly letting you backup just the database and the images directory once a month (anymore might be too much bandwidth).

I use the following rsync commands

rsync -avz -e ssh --delete cyclecha@cyclechaos.com:www/ public_html/;
rsync -avz -e ssh --delete cyclecha@cyclechaos.com:databasedump/ databasedump/;  (there is a cron job to dump the database to this directory every so often)
mysql --show-warnings -uuser -ppassword -h localhost cyclecha_blog < databasedump/cyclecha_blog.sql;
mysql --show-warnings -uuser -ppassword -h localhost cyclecha_forum < databasedump/cyclecha_forum.sql;
mysql --show-warnings -uuser -ppassword -h localhost cyclecha_wiki < databasedump/cyclecha_wiki.sql;

If you are familiar with rdiff and would like to help me write a script for it I also wouldn't mind that. I will eventually just haven't gotten to it yet.--Budlight 07:20, 16 January 2007 (EST)