Scrambles or Hare Scrambles are races that start like a motocross with everyone in an individual class starting at once, and all the different classes starting one minute apart. Riders do laps around a trail for usually 2 hours based on the leader. The rider doing the most laps wins and is not confined by time as in an enduro.
Rules[edit | edit source]
American Motorcycle Association Hare Scrambles Rules
1. A Hare Scrambles is conducted on a closed course, using trails and paths over natural terrain. The course should be between 2 1/2 and 40 miles long. Participants will be allowed to walk or ride a bicycle on the course finale prior to the event.
2. The meet may run a designated number of laps or for a specified amount of time. The promoter, however, must specify the format in all advance advertising and at the riders meeting. No combination of ATV's, minicycles or motorcycles may be run at the same time on the same course.
3. Gas checks are not required.
4. Along with the checkpoint at the start/finish line, the promoter must use a roll check as a backup.
5. Starts a. Starts may be live-or dead-engine at the promoters option. b. Each class should be started separately. (1) Classes with fewer than five entries may start together, but must be scored separately. c. Mass starts may be used only when the starting area is large enough.
6. Scoring a. If necessary, due to the length or layout of the course, observation checks may be set up to discourage course cutting. Such checks should be manned by experienced checkers to avoid bottlenecks at checkpoints. b. Unless instructed otherwise by the referee, all riders must come to a stop at the scoring station. This point should be stressed at the riders meeting. c. Separate scoring lanes should be set up using barrels, banners, etc. (1) By posting color-coded signs for class and displacement categories, riders can easily identify their proper scoring lane. (2) Lanes should be set up so riders pull in to the right of the barrel or banner, with scorers on the left. This allows scorers to quickly and easily see and record the number on the left side of the riders helmet.
d. A rider must finish the event to be eligible for awards and points. To finish, a rider needs to complete at least 50% as many laps as the winner of his class. It is not necessary to take the checkered flag to finish. e. Once the checkered flag is displayed, riders are given a reasonable amount of time to complete their final lap. The amount of time varies, depending on the length and layout of the course, but it must be specified at the riders meeting. f. Overall scoring is based on elapsed time from start to finish, and a riders finishing time is recorded to the nearest second.
7. When conditions permit, promoters may run studded tire classes. Studded tire classes must conform to Section 4 of the Ice Race rules or Trelleborg type studded tires. Hare Scrambles meets run the following classes, though not all classes must be run if advertised in advance. Class Engine Size 1...86cc -100cc 2...101cc-125cc 3...126cc - 200cc 4...201cc - 250cc 5...251cc - Open 6...Womens (86cc - Open) 7...Veteran (30 yrs. and over) 8...Senior (40 yrs. and over) 9...Super Senior (50 yrs. and over) 10...Four-stroke (86cc - Open)
8. National Hare Scrambles Championship A maximum of 12 National Hare Scrambles are run, with no more than five per region. (The three regions are the same as those defined for National Enduro competition.) National championships are decided by the points accumulated in 2 less than all events held in the series.