Turning a motorcycle

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Knowing how to swerve safely is something every motorcyclist needs in his or her bag of tricks. One never knows when one might need to make a quick change in direction.


  1. Plan ahead. Because you never know when you'll need to take evasive action, always have an escape route in mind.
  2. Keep your head up and your eyes on where you want to be after the turn or swerve.
  3. Leave your feet solid on the pegs.
  4. Hit the rear brake; decelerate slightly with both brakes to reduce your speed.
  5. Let off the brakes and turn the handlebars while leaning with the bike into the direction of the turn.
  6. Begin the swerve with a small, quick turn to get away from the hazard, and then make another quick turn in the opposite direction to correct your balance and direction.
  7. Accelerate slightly coming out of the turn to help keep your balance.

Tips & Warnings

  • Attend a state-approved motorcycle-riding course.
  • Always wear proper and safe riding gear: Department of Transportation-approved helmet, eye protection, long sleeves, long pants, gloves and footwear that covers the ankles. Note that the use of bright colors and reflective materials will help drivers see you.
  • Practice sharp turns and swerving so that if you need this maneuver, you'll be comfortable with it and will not hesitate.
  • Never brake and swerve at the same time.
  • Keep a buffer between you and the vehicle in front of you. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Motorcycling is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death. We recommend that you seek proper training and equipment before attempting this activity.